Seeking Father

So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. – Luke 15:20 (NASB)

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, there is a Father who is waiting for you. Even though you feel far removed from Him, there is a Father waiting, watching, longing for your return. You may feel unlovable, but His love is unconditional. It has never—will never fail. His love for you will not change.

God’s love for you is pure, simple. His grace is sufficient, never ceasing. He waits for you with open arms—with an open heart. There are no barriers between God your Father and you, only the ones you’ve constructed. He peers over the cold stone wall you’ve placed between Him and you, and calls to you. “Come my child.”

Do you hear His voice calling to you in the night? In the darkest night, as you shed tears, do you hear Him whispering to you? He calls to you, His child, wanting to comfort you with His peace. He does not see the mud and dirt on you from this world, but sees you as created in His image, for His purposes.

Go to Him. Go to your Heavenly Father. Shed the restraints of this world that pin you down. Tear down the walls that you and others have built that separate you from God. Don’t let any obstacle stand in your way. Do what you need to do to get close to Jesus; to feel the love of God the Father, your Father. To find healing for your hurting heart.

God is watching for you, waiting for you. Do you see Him? He sees you. He knows you. His love for you is immense. He is running toward you with open arms, running hard and fast to embrace you. Go to Him.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38:39

4 thoughts on “Seeking Father

  1. My devotional by Henry Blackaby was so helpful today. He says to base our expectations for a loving father on God—who is the best father ever. My biological father was a good man, but not necessarily spiritual. However, God has given me spiritual father figures to follow—as they follow Christ. Blessings, brother Chris!

    1. Great insight—base our expectations on God. I have been blessed by spiritual mentors in my life who taught me about a personal relationship with Jesus. God is a faithful, loving father. Praise God for His love and grace. Blessings.

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