The Impact of Our Choices

What we do and say each day can have a profound impact on the people God has placed in our life. Our choice to believe in Jesus allows them to meet Him in a personal way. We can see this in Matthew’s decision to abandon his tax collector booth and follow Jesus (Matthew 9:9-13).

After Matthew chose to follow Jesus, “Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples (10, NASB).” Because of his choice, many of his fellow tax collectors and other Jewish people came to his house for a personal encounter with Jesus.

Whether it’s a simple dinner with a couple friends, or a social event in your community, Jesus is reclining at table with you. You may not get a chance to profess your faith in Him, but people will know Jesus is present. Trust in Him just as Matthew did.

5 thoughts on “The Impact of Our Choices

  1. ‘Choice’ was this week’s prompt word for the Five Minute Friday, so I thought you had joined it. Obviously the Lord is speaking to us all about our choices!

    1. Thanks for sharing that. I like it when God gets our attention through repeated words or verses. I’ll have to take note of my choices—as I should always 🤔 Blessings.

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