Prayer Journey—Walking Companion

You walked this earth Jesus. You sat with people and listened to their trials. You shared meals in the homes of people struggling with daily life. You experienced hate and rejection. You know suffering. As the word made flesh, you taught us God’s compassion, his grace, his deep love for us. You generously gave your life to give us eternal life. You know our weaknesses, yet you gently teach us strength—strength in you. I praise you this day dear God for the grace and love you give us in abundance. You still walk with us today, guiding us, offering us hope. You are the living word. You are truth and light. Fill us with your presence.

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. – Hebrews 4:15 (NASB)

8 thoughts on “Prayer Journey—Walking Companion

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer and your gratitude for Jesus. I’m touched by your words and your faith. I join you in praising God for the grace and love He gives us in abundance. He is indeed the living word, the truth, and the light, who walks with us and guides us.

    I also thank God for the gift of Jesus, our high priest, who can sympathize with our weaknesses and intercedes for us. He knows what we go through, understands our struggles and pain, and cares for our needs and desires. He is not distant or indifferent but close and compassionate. He is not harsh or demanding but gentle and merciful. He is not weak or powerless but strong and victorious.

    He invites us to come to Him confidently and boldly, to receive His mercy and grace in time of need. He offers us His rest and peace, joy and hope, forgiveness and healing. He empowers us by His Spirit and word to live for Him and serve Him. He promises us His presence, protection, provision, and purpose. He assures us of His faithfulness, love, salvation, and glory.

    He is everything we need, wants, and long for.

    May you continue to experience His grace and love in your life.

    1. Blessings to you. Praying for a great summer for you as you prepare for a new school year in the fall in your new role. May the Lord strengthen you.

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