Lovingkindness–Praying through Psalm 23

Each Tuesday into June, I will be praying through a portion of Psalm 23.

Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, – Psalm 23:6

You hand crafted me dear God with your delicate touch and attention to detail. You hold me in your hands and admire me like the master craftsman observing the work of his hands. From the moment you created me, you remained by my side, even when I’ve distanced myself from you. Your lovingkindness will not falter. You are always with me, showering me with your love and grace, throughout my life. Help me to stay close to you dear God.

© 2024, Chris G. Thelen

7 thoughts on “Lovingkindness–Praying through Psalm 23

  1. Amen. Such an encouraging word . . . lovingkindness. It combines two of the ingredients found in the Lord’s grace . . . love and kindness. Blessings Chris.

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