Healing–Praying through Psalm 23

Each Tuesday into June, I will be praying through a portion of Psalm 23.

You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. – Psalm 23:5

There are days when I feel beaten down, left by the side of road. People pass by, but no one extends a hand to help. Then I look up and see you dear Lord Jesus. Hope radiates from your face. Your strong arms lift me up and carry me to a place of healing and restoration. Oil soothes my wounds and softens my hardened flesh. You nourish me, fill my soul to overflowing. My strength slowly returns under your care.

© 2024, Chris G. Thelen

5 thoughts on “Healing–Praying through Psalm 23

  1. Chris, I appreciate how you illustrate spiritual healing as a gradual process–not unlike its physical counterpart. Yes, there are those who are healed instantly, but most of us are healed, by God’s grace, over time. Blessings!

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